
From Bards Field
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Here we will discuss every instrument, its capabilities and how it has been used by bards in the past. In gerenal, people usually will happily give the parts they find to bards since they have no other use. If you manage to get your hands on a part, you may bring it to Hendrux in the eastern hut in the Bards Field who will examine what you brought. If the quality is good, he will ask you to come back later - usually a few days - to get the freshly crafted instrument.

Plucked Instruments - Harplike Instruments

Starbuck Harp

To craft a Starbuck Harp you will have to bring Hendrux one set of Starbuck Antlers. A Starbuck Harp is considered to be one of the most versatile instruments as it is able to play up to 10 notes at the same time which makes it a valid choice for both experienced bards and quester hopefulls. Also

Lucky Lyra

In order for a Lucky Lyra to be made, Hendrux will need a Luck Bone. The limit of notes played simultaneously is at 6.

Plucked Instruments - Guitarlike Instruments


A Torjo can be built from a Torjo Shell.


The sister instrument of the Torjo, the Gitor, is made by using a Tor Shell.

Wind Instruments - Flutes

Bone Flute

As you can already tell by the name, the Bone Flute is made out of a Bone. It can only play one tone at a time.

Reed Flute



Hendrux can form an Ocarina out of a Clump of Clay. Just as for the other flutes, it can not play chords.

Wind Instruments - Other


Silvery shell




Internal Organs make a perfect Bagpipe if worked correctly. Three notes played at the same time are the maximum for the Bagpipe.

Percussion Instruments


If tuned right by Hendrux, you can turn around a Steel Pot. Not it is called a Casserole.




Fine Wood

Orga Drum

Originally crafted by Orgas, the Broken Orga Drum may be repaired and used by bards hereafter. Non-bards can play it as well but with a chance of breaking it. It can only play one note at a time.

String Instruments


Very rare, but if a Strand of Falinea's Hair is found, it may be turned into a Violène.

Other Instruments


Cannot be crafted.

Pine Flute

This instrument is commonly used to get to Windweft or Foghaven.

Table of Instruments

Instrument Part Limit b#
Starbuck Harp Starbuck Antler 10 Yes
Lucky Lyra Luck Bone 6 No
Torjo Torjo Shell 6 Yes
Gitor Tor Shell 6 Yes
Bone Flute Bone 1 No
Reed Flute Reeds 1 No
Ocarina Clump of Clay 1 No
Conch Silvery Shell 2 Yes
Tuborn Tremolite 1 Yes
Bagpipe Internal Organs 4 Yes
Casserole Steel Pot 4 Yes
Vibra Judder 6 Yes
Xylo Fine Wood 6 Yes
Orga Drum Broken Orga Drum 1 No
Violene Strand of Falinea's Hair 3 No
Organ - 6+ Yes